Articles in this section
- My ColorReader EZ is not connecting to the ColorReader app
- My ColorReader EZ is not connecting to the ColorReader app
- Where is my ColorReader EZ calibration tile?
- Where are the batteries on the ColorReader EZ device housed?
- Where can I purchase new batteries for my ColorReader EZ?
- Where are the batteries on the device housed?
- How does the ColorReader app determine colors?
- Does ColorReader EZ provide color values along with paint color matches?
- Can I use ColorReader EZ with either an iPhone™ or Android™ phone?
- Where is my calibration tile?
Is ColorReader EZ Bluetooth compatible?
Boris Bergmann
Yes, ColorReader EZ is compatible with Bluetooth 4.0 or higher.
Related articles
- What fan decks are available in North/South America, in Europe and in Asia on the ColorReader / ColorReader EZ / ColorReader PRO that sold by Datacolor or Amazon?
- Where can I purchase new batteries for my ColorReader EZ?
- Calibrate your ColorReader model
- How accurate are the color matches I get using ColorReader EZ?